2007년 12월 15일 토요일

Photonic textiles that turn fabric into intelligent displays

September 2, 2005
Philips demonstrates photonic textiles that turn fabric into intelligent displays
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Berlin, Germany -- At the Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA) 2005, Philips is demonstrating photonic textiles—fabrics that contain lighting systems and can therefore serve as displays. With the development of this new and unusual technology, Philips Research is pointing the way toward a new age in the long history of textiles. At first glance, objects such as clothing, towels, upholstery, and drapes would seem unlikely places on which to place intelligent and interactive systems. Yet these low-tech objects figure prominently in our lives. By integrating flexible arrays of multicolored light-emitting diodes (LEDs) into fabrics—and doing so without compromising the softness of the cloth—Philips Research is bringing these inert objects to life.To meet the challenge of creating light-emitting cloth objects that retain their softness, Philips Research and textile institute TITV Greiz have developed an interconnecting substrate made entirely of cloth. Researchers from Philips have also created flexible and drapable substrates from plastics and films.On these substrates, the researchers have placed passive matrices of compact RGB LED packages. The pixelated luminaires with relatively large distance between the RGB pixels have been embedded in such everyday objects as cushions, backpacks, and floor mats. Since the fabric material covering the miniature light sources naturally diffuses light, each pixel seems bigger than it actually is. The LEDs, therefore, remain small and unobtrusive, while the fabric retains its soft look and feel.Photonic textiles can also be made interactive. Philips has achieved interactivity by incorporating sensors (such as orientation and pressure sensors) and communication devices (such as Bluetooth, GSM) into the fabric.The results of these innovations are as various and promising as they are novel. Photonic textiles open up a wide range of applications in the fields of ambient lighting, communication, and personal health care. Photonic textiles are still a young business. Even at this early stage, however, Philips envisions partnerships with interior and apparel brands that see the potential of photonic textiles to revolutionize the very concept of fabric. The demonstration at IFA is also meant to show the opportunities offered by this technology and to gain customers’ and visitors’ feedback on these options.

An interconnecting, flexible substrate with a matrix of red, green and blue LEDs is the fundamental building block of application prototypes of photonic textiles.

Applied in soft fabric, the light from the small pixels diffuses, resulting in more or less continuous light-emitting soft surface.

More information:+ Video on Photonic Textiles

Download high-resolution pictures:
+ Pictures on Photonic Textiles

For more information, please go to:
+ www.lumalive.com

Thin film-like display which bends

Mr.Morin introduced many links to us in last class. One of them is the following article and the related video.The thin film-like display which Sony developed bends even while showing full-color video.Sony said plans for a commercial product using the technology were still undecided. I think it is worthwhile to commercialize it because it is very light,unbreakable and portable.
innovator like Sony is giving us unlimited dream and chance.How about paying attention to this display?


Thursday, May 24, 2007
Sony develops film-thin display that bends in full color
By Associated Press

TOKYO (AP) -- In the race for ever thinner displays for TVs, cell phones and other gadgets, Sony may have developed one to beat them all -- a razor-thin display that bends like paper while showing full-color video.

Sony Corp. posted video of the new 2.5 inch display on its Web page Friday. In the video, a hand squeezes the 0.3 millimeter (0.01 inch)-thick display, which shows color video of a bicyclist stuntman, a picturesque lake and other images.

Sony will present the research and video at an academic symposium in Long Beach, California, for the Society for Information Display this week, the Japanese electronics and entertainment company said in a release.

The display combines Sony's organic thin film transistor, or TFT, technology, which is required to make flexible displays, with another kind of technology called organic electroluminescent display, it said.

The latter technology is not as widespread for gadgets as the two main display technologies now on the market -- liquid crystal displays and plasma display panels.
Although flat-panel TVs are getting slimmer, a display that's so thin it bends in a human hand marks a breakthrough.

Sony said plans for a commercial product using the technology were still undecided.
''In the future, it could get wrapped around a lamppost or a person's wrist, even worn as clothing,'' said Sony spokesman Chisato Kitsukawa. ''Perhaps it can be put up like wallpaper.''
Tatsuo Mori, professor at Nagoya University's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, said some hurdles remained, including making the display bigger, ensuring durability and cutting costs.

But the display's pliancy is extremely difficult to imitate with LCD and plasma screens, he said.
''To come up with a flexible screen at that image quality is groundbreaking,'' Mori said in a telephone interview. ''You can drop it, and it won't break because it's as thin as paper.''
Other companies, including LG. Philips LCD Co. and Seiko Epson Corp. are also working on a different kind of ''electronic paper'' technology, but Sony said its technology using the organic electroluminescent display delivers better color images and is more suited for video.
Sony President Ryoji Chubachi has said a film-like display is a major technology his company is working on to boost its status as a technological powerhouse.

In a meeting with reporters more than a year ago, he boasted Sony was working on a technology for displays so thin it could be rolled up like paper, and that the world would stand up and take notice.
Some analysts have said Sony, which makes Walkman portable players and PlayStation 3 video game machines, had fallen behind rivals in flat-panel technology, including Samsung Electronics Co. of South Korea and Sharp Corp. of Japan.

But Sony has been marking a turnaround under Chubachi and Chief Executive Howard Stringer, the first foreigner to head Sony, including reducing jobs, shuttering unprofitable businesses and strengthening its flat TV offerings.

On the Net:
Video of Sony's new display:mms://station.streaming-tv.net/sonypr/OLED070524--750kbps.wmv

2007년 12월 14일 금요일

Flying cars are here

Flying cars are here. Wondeful!


Fairly realistic flying car offered for 2009 delivery

One of our favourite notions here at Vulture Central is that of the flying car. Ideally this would be a true sci-fi-style job, backed up by an equally puissant automated air-traffic infrastructure. In such a machine you could simply jump into your car outside your house, quietly lift off vertically, fly somewhere even in bad visibility and congested airspace, and set down again equally vertically. Then you could drive/taxi your astounding hover vehicle into the garage, underground carpark or wherever - or simply park it on the street.
Sadly, the nearest approach offered by current technology is the helicopter. Whirlybirds are noisy, dangerous, expensive and difficult to fly. They take up a hell of a lot of room, too, in the contexts both of airspace and manoeuvres near/on the ground. They aren't going to turn into flying cars any time soon.

'But honey, your mom doesn't have a runway'
- it won't wash any more. Credit: Benjamin Schweighart
Jump-jets like the Harrier are even worse, in that they can't at present get airborne vertically with a useful load. Ducted fans sometimes seem to offer hope, but the idea has been around for a long time without much in the way of credible kit appearing. The large thrust-disc diameter which a rotorcraft can offer - which is what makes helicopters and tiltrotors a going proposition - doesn't seem feasible for ducted fans, and in any case leads to an undesirably large ground footprint.
Even once you've dealt with all that, there are still the inevitable safety and certification issues that would come with a many-orders-of-magnitude increase in numbers of aircraft over densely-populated areas.
So we probably aren't getting a real flying car any time soon. Current technology could, however, offer something a bit more exciting than the ordinary light aircraft which have been flying almost unchanged since the 1950s. In fact, various inventors and engineers have been working on so-called "roadable" aeroplanes for a long time.
The idea here is that you still have your trusty flying vehicle parked in your driveway or garage, taking up no more room than a regular motor. You stroll out, fire it up and drive it away to a nearby airstrip. Here you extend/attach the wings, prop etc., and it's up, up and away. When you get to your destination strip, you land, convert back to roadgoing configuration, and trundle along to where you're going.
Under NASA's Personal Air Vehicle (PAV) concept, this relatively realistic idea gets some hard-to-achieve bells and whistles added on. A proper NASA PAV is also very quiet and can take off from very short runways, which could permit handy little airstrip-laybys to be scattered all over the place: at shopping-mall carparks, suburban housing estates, major road junctions etc. Better still, the PAV's amazing "synthetic vision" autopilot would be able to interface with a super-duper airtraffic network of the future so as to handle the plane nigh-on autonomously. This would mean that learning to fly a PAV would be no more demanding than getting a regular driver's licence. The PAV could laugh at bad weather and controlled airspace too.

These tough tech hurdles have meant that the NASA PAV doesn't exist, and probably won't in the foreseeable future. But that doesn't necessarily mean that more basic roadable aeroplanes can't be built.
One such notion is the Terrafugia Transition®, reported on today by the MIT Tech Review. Terrafugia Inc is a startup founded by a group of MIT engineers and flying enthusiasts in 2006. It completed an initial funding round in December.
The Transition isn't a PAV; it's a normal light aircraft which can fold its wings at the touch of a button and become a car, and which runs on unleaded. That's pretty much it. The only extra touch is that a Transition® is intended to qualify as an FAA "Light-Sport Aircraft", which means a somewhat less onerous regulatory regime. A "Sport pilot" licence is easier and cheaper to get than an ordinary private pilot's licence, requiring only 20 hours logged; and there are breaks on maintenance, medical checks etc. An existing pilot's licence is also fine.

The Transition® in bad-weather mode. Credit: Benjamin Schweighart.
The Terrafugia people reckon that the advent of the Light-Sport category, combined with recent advances in materials and aero engines, mean that an airworthy and road-legal plane can now be built affordably. They say the market for it is there, with 600,000 licenced pilots who could already fly the Transition® in the States.
"The Transition® is for pilots," says the company.
"It is not intended for use by short-distance commuters, by people running errands, or for any trip through city traffic or under 100 miles. Instead... if you travel between 100 and 500 miles at a stretch, particularly if your trip is either starting or ending in a more suburban or rural area, then the Transition® is for you. If you don't already have a pilot's license, you will need to get one... The Transition® is for pilots, businesspeople [and] weekend travelers..."
Most of the target market pilots don't have instrument qualifications allowing them to operate in bad weather. This means that they often fly somewhere, then get trapped on the ground by poor conditions. They also find the hassle of getting to and from airstrips a problem, according to Terrafugia; not to mention the faff attendant on aviation fuelling, tiedown places and so forth.
None of that applies to the Transition. You drive it to the airport from home, filling up at an ordinary petrol station. You fly wherever you're going. Once there, you aren't bothered about a place to tie down, or about a ride onward to the ultimate destination. You simply fold wings and drive away. If the weather closes in before your return flight, no hassle about hire cars or getting the plane back home again - just drive back home on the ground. It'll take a bit longer, but you'll get there. Likewise, if your flight runs into bad weather and you can't carry on, divert to an open airfield and drive from there.
All in all, this sounds a lot more realistic than a ducted-fan flying saucer from the endlessly written-up Dr Paul Moller (who was busted by the SEC in 2003 for flogging fraudulent "Skycar" stock on the internet and other financial misdeeds). It also sounds a lot more feasible than a silent, super-efficient short-takeoff NASA PAV with accompanying automatic air-traffic miracles.

Terrafugia reckons there are two main tech hurdles to jump before the Transition is ready to fly and drive. The first of these is the one-touch folding wings, which the company believes it has cracked. A demonstration wing has been built and tested successfully.
The remaining trick is not the engine - the Terrafugia mob reckon an existing Rotax job can do everything they need - but the transmission, which must be able to switch easily between driving the propeller and the wheels. It also has to be light, in order to keep the Transition within the FAA limit of 1320 pounds for a light-sport aircraft.
Anna Mracek Dietrich, Terrafugia engineer and COO, spoke to Tech Review.
"Going into this, we knew our two biggest design challenges to make it practical would be the wings and the power train," she said.
"By validating the durability of the wing's construction and engineering, we've checked one major design challenge off of the list, and now our focus is on the second."
One might also suspect that there will also be major challenges in getting the Transition certified as road-legal. This is traditionally a big stumbling block for flying-car inventors, who are often FAA-savvy but less well acquainted with the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
"We've made inroads with both [regulators], especially the FAA," says Dietrich.
The company expects to begin flight testing next year, and deliveries from "late 2009". The business plan calls for production of between 50 and 200 Transitions annually, selling for $148,000 a pop. Terrafugia says that all its anticipated production through Q2 of 2010 has been reserved already (the refundable reservation deposit is $7,400, held in escrow) though it won't say exactly how many that is. However, the investor sheet (pdf) quotes customer number 29, so presumably at least that many orders have been placed.
For your $148k you get two seats, cruising speed of 115mph in the air (or normal motorway performance on the ground), 25 miles per gallon flying on super unleaded, and 460 miles flight range.
One of the weaker stats on the spec sheet (pdf) is the useful load - just 550lb. Up to 120lb of that will be taken up by fuel, so the Transition won't get airborne freshly topped up with two heavyish people. It certainly won't carry much baggage, unless flown solo or with very little fuel.
Budding secret agents or master criminals should also note that you can't just pop the wings out during a high-speed chase and take off: the button will only work with the vehicle stationary. There's no air-con, either.
Despite these limitations, the Transition looks very wantable indeed to your correspondent*. Regrettably, the Vulture Central scriven-remuneration package doesn't permit the purchase of £74-grand conveyances.


Amazing magic applications of iPhone

Wow~! Georgeous! Apple's iPhone provides amazing magic applications. I want to have that one.How about going and experiencing fantastic features?


deliver the best WiMAX solution to the world

POSDATA supplies Mobile WiMAX Terminal to KT

POSDATA FLYVO(CEO Yoo Byung-chang), which is developing and supplying system equipment such as base stations and ASN-gateways based on core Mobile WiMAX technologies, concluded a contract to supply USB-type Mobile WiMAX terminal (model KWP-U1600) that is connected to a notebook computer to enable access to Mobile WiMAX.

POSDATA FLYVO completed a terminal certification test with Korea Telecom last month and is ready to supply the USB-type terminal to KT. KWP-U1600 is a USB-type modem that has a sleek exterior with an internal antenna. A 45-degree hinge allows for free movement of the terminal for better signal reception when it is weak. Two LED indicators have been applied to the exterior, enabling the user to frequently check the unit’s operation status.

POSDATA FLYVO reached an agreement with KT during the second half of this year on mutual cooperation on the Mobile WiMAX terminal business. Both companies are jointly carrying out marketing activities, such as Mobile WiMAX terminal planning and shared distribution networks.
In addition to the USB dongle, POSDATA FLYVO is developing various types of terminals, including a specialized terminal for games and a gateway modem. The company is planning to expand sales in the domestic market as well as overseas markets, where the company is now moving forward with exporting system equipment. Also, the company is building and improving relations with various content providers to be supplied with portal, game, video, music, and educational content, to boost usage of the terminals.


2007년 12월 13일 목요일

Violin Playing Robot

Toyota shows off a violin playing robot and a two-wheeled human transporter -- the latest products of its robots program that seeks to develop a practical human assistance robot by the early part of the 2010s.


Surface computing

When we saw the video of surface computing,all the same reaction was "Wow~!". After the last class was over,the very surface computing was the focus of conversation.Who in the world has thought of that gorgeous technology? I don't know the limit of innovation.Here is an introduction to the surface computing.

Microsoft Surface

Fact Sheet
May 2007

Name of Product: Microsoft Surface™

Category: Surface computing

Overview: Surface is the first commercially available surface computer from Microsoft Corp. It turns an ordinary tabletop into a vibrant, interactive surface. The product provides effortless interaction with digital content through natural gestures, touch and physical objects. In essence, it’s a surface that comes to life for exploring, learning, sharing, creating, buying and much more. Soon to be available in restaurants, hotels, retail establishments and public entertainment venues, this experience will transform the way people shop, dine, entertain and live.

Description: Surface is a 30-inch display in a table-like form factor that’s easy for individuals or small groups to interact with in a way that feels familiar, just like in the real world. Surface can simultaneously recognize dozens and dozens of movements such as touch, gestures and actual unique objects that have identification tags similar to bar codes.

Surface will ship to partners with a portfolio of basic applications, including photos, music, virtual concierge and games, that can be customized to provide their customers with unique experiences.
Computing: Surface computing breaks down traditional barriers between people and technology, changing the way people interact with all kinds of everyday content, from photos to maps to menus. The intuitive user interface works without a traditional mouse or keyboard, allowing people to interact with content and information by using their hands and natural movements. Users are able to access information either on their own or collaboratively with their friends and families, unlike any experience available today. Surface computing features four key attributes:
· Direct interaction. Users can actually “grab” digital information with their hands and interact with content through touch and gesture, without the use of a mouse or keyboard.
· Multi-touch contact. Surface computing recognizes many points of contact simultaneously, not just from one finger as with a typical touch screen, but up to dozens and dozens of items at once.
· Multi-user experience. The horizontal form factor makes it easy for several people to gather around surface computers together, providing a collaborative, face-to-face computing experience.
· Object recognition. Users can place physical objects on the surface to trigger different types of digital responses, including the transfer of digital content.
Features: Multi-touch display. The Surface display is capable of multi-touch interaction, recognizing dozens and dozens of touches simultaneously, including fingers, hands, gestures and objects placed on the surface.

Horizontal orientation. The 30-inch display in a table-sized form factor allows users to share, explore and create experiences together, enabling a truly collaborative computing experience.

Dimensions. Surface is 22 inches high, 21 inches deep and 42 inches wide.

Materials. The Surface tabletop is acrylic, and its interior frame is powder-coated steel.

Requirements: Standard American 110–120V power

System: The Surface custom software platform runs on Windows Vista™ and has wired Ethernet 10/100 and wireless 802.11 b/g and Bluetooth 2.0 connectivity.

Availability: Beginning at the end of this year, consumers will be able to interact with Surface in hotels, restaurants, retail establishments and public entertainment venues.

2007년 12월 9일 일요일

BioSense Program and Korea

Information systems can help prevent a public health crisis. To do so, systems integration is necessary. As we can see from our textbook, BioSense can summarize and present analytical results by source,day,and syndrome for each zip code,state,and metropolitan area using maps,graphs,and tables. Registered state and local public health agencies as well as hospitals and health care providers are allowed to access data.

In case of Korea there can be difficulties we can think of.

The first one is standardization. We must also integrate systems among small-sized clinics, medium-sized clinics and large general hospitals. But who can be willing to participate in the transition process that would be burdensome and time-consuming without any benefits? Furthermore,we should consider herb doctor’s offices as well as western-style hospitals.There are many differences such as terminologies,concept,
prescription between the two.

The second one is systemization itself. But some individual doctors still have their medical records as a form of paper. I have visited an ENT doctor two years ago in Seoul. There were three to four nurses who are busy in doing something like supporting the doctor, looking for medical reords, and answering questions. A nurse asked me my resident registration number, and then started to look for my medical record from the piles of paper files.The doctor and CEO of a small clinic seemed not to need any help or support. What can the central government give them while he just wants staus quo?

The third one is privacy. Even in any cases and situations,it is inevitable that privacy problems may occur. What we should do to prevent moral hazard of insiders and invasion of outsiders is just to do our best to bulid firewall, educate and punish evil-doers.

If these problems were solved, I think IS will be able to prevent a public health crisis.
But we have a long way to go.